A Headstone erected by the descendants of the Pinkertons on the grave of Margaret, wife of James Pinkerton, and 4 grandchildren. |
A wooden feeding trough, still survives |
A Plaque describing the Pinkerton Family history. |
Historical Note:
James and Margaret Pinkerton & Family left Glasgow, Scotland on 8 July 1839 - sailing from Greenock on the Barque "Superb". They arrived at Port Phillip on 4 December 1839. In 1840 they settled in the Keilor District on a property called "Chamois Ponds". In 1848 the property was burnt-out and the family moved to the Werribee River, settling on the new property "Yaloke". In 1855 Margaret Pinkerton died & was buried in Pinkerton Forest. Between 1857 & 1860 4 grandchildren died (aged 9,8,1 & 2 years) and were also buried in the forest. A cairn was erected over the graves in 1931. After adverse times W J Clarke ("Big Clarke") acquired the property in 1862 and James Pinkerton retired to Bacchus Marsh where he died in 1869.
Archibald James Campbell
-Expertise in Australian Birds & Native flowers, particularly Wattles.
A J Campbell was one of the founders of Wattle Day, and he planted wattles around the original cairn in the forest.
Yellow Wattle
It is the shining glory of our hills and streams: when other flowers lie hidden, it radiates boldly forth its richest treasures of gold. It redeems the wilderness, and illuminates the ragged breaks between the scrub. Floods will not drown it, nor fire destroy it: After forest fires, seeds germinate more freely. When neglected, it flourishes, yet it takes kindly to cultivation, in park and beside the roadside verge. Poets and prophets have searched for epithets: apples of silver in baskets of gold. Yet it expresses all moods. There is the silver wattle for gladness,
the weeping wattle for grief. The happy may rejoice in its billowing splendour, the bereaved find gentle solace as if gathered in as one, unto its tender grace.
Poem by Ian Campbell (a descendant of A J Campbell), adapting words used in a review of 'Golden Wattle' (1921) by A J Campbell.
Descendants photo, taken at the 'Celebration of the new extension of Pinkerton Forest on Friday 6 October 2006.
Names are L to R - Noel Fethers, Bryan Campbell, Don Nardella MP, Dorothy Campbell (wife of John) and John Campbell'